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A safe space to learn, discuss, and 
inspire positive 

lifestyle and social change.




Because we're all trying to figure out

this thing called life 

This is me

Just like most twenty something year olds I am  walking a journey of discovery and purpose. One of those journeys includes working in mental health and community activism. As I try to define my purpose, I believe my calling is to help others in a creative way. Grounded Truth may end up being a complete waste of your time if you have life all figured out. For the rest of us constantly overthinking decisions and questioning our faith, let this blog be a stepping stone to your healing and growth.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health

Congratulations on choosing to take back your life! Whether it was that forever relationship that wasn't so forever or the dream job that ended up being a nightmare, you're here now. Ready for change and a peace of mind but how do you start?


There's no one answer for that. The choice is ultimately yours. I started seeing a therapist in 2017 and let's say I was not a fan. However, my depression got worst so when I moved to Maryland, I reconsidered therapy in 2018 and have been in therapy ever since. Now I love it! Even as someone who provides therapy to youth and families currently, just understand therapists need their own therapist too. Therapy may not be for you and that is okay. Check out this list of self-care resources and ideas for a wider range.


Grounded Support

Let's Talk About It 

Creating a foundation is the only way to elevate a vision or purpose. Getting grounded with

Grounded Truth allows you to become a part of a community that is trying to figure out life together. Interact with other members and build new relationships with like-minded individuals

living with purpose, catching good vibes, and embracing the moment.



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